
Created by johnmcgrory0310 7 years ago
I have known Anne for over thirty years, we met when the girls went to Mrs McCrindle's play school, then we went on to Bruntwood School. We worked together at Cheadle & Marple College, and when she moved on from there, we met regularly for lunch in Cheadle Hulme.

I remember one year when we had a Christmas Fayre at Bruntwood. As we couldn't get a drinks licence (??), we decided we would sell mince pies for £1.50, with a free Irish coffee. Anne told me she had three coffees, she was on her way to number four, but she ate the mince pies too - she was very happy that afternoon!!!!

We had lots of laughs, and great times over these years, with love for the happy times

Margaret McGrory